
Woe is me

I really want to say that my weekend was pure bliss. And I  would
. . . were it not for two reasons 1. The weather 2. A very stubborn grouchy Bosco.

Remember the shoe find I mentioned earlier. Well, it would be nice if I could actually wear them without the fear of my little piggies being frozen off from the freshly fallen snow.
I don’t think it’s such a bizarre wish seeing as how it is now May and all. I know I’m being selfish. All the snow lovers out there are probably really depressed that summer is on the horizon. So I’m trying not to complain about it too much. Actually, there was an unexpected ray of sunshine on our dampened weekly trip to Target. As I was lamenting the freezing cold temperatures, my mind turned to the thought of ice which obviously then led my mind to think of snow cones and slushies. Maybe I should save this for a Friday Confession but I’ll just tell you now. I am addicted to the sweet, cold, refreshing goodness that is a slush. Last summer when I was great with child, I had to go easy on such things because I had the gestational “sugar!” It was a very.difficult.summer. But this summer I think I’m going to be a full on lush. Lemon-berry slush from Sonic. I’m in. Cherry slush puppie. For sure. Grape snow cone from a local sporting event. Totally. Strawberry daiquiri shaved ice from Snowie. Um, of course. Homemade pink lemonade slurry. You better believe it. Somebody stop me!

Well, back to our trip to Target. As I said before, I suddenly had slushies on the mind. Then I wondered when those Snowie shacks would be out on street corners to tempt me. And I kid you not (the Husband can testify), not a minute later I saw it. A Snowie establishment open for business, with people waiting in line. And some of those people were wearing shorts. All whilst the snow from last night’s storm still lingered on the nearby rooftops. Ok, I’m not that crazy. It was freezing outside. I didn’t stop to get one. But I swear I have a telepathic connection to all things related to flavored ice. Serendipity. I am so ready for you now summertime. I’ve got the shoes, and I’ve got my brain slushified.
As to the second reason why my weekend was not pure bliss, I’ll just say that the previously mentioned trip to Target ended with a crying, screaming Bosco because I had the nerve to put all the soccer balls back that he had put into our cart. I really didn’t understand the meltdown. It’s not like I made him put them all back. As a result of the tantrum, I said we were now done looking at bikes. This was of course too much to handle. Louder cries ensued. I had to escape the wondering eyes of fellow shoppers, and leave the Husband alone to buy Bosco’s upcoming birthday bike. We really should have just nixed the whole gift giving idea since Bosco was being such a beast of burden. But I can’t be too hard on the dear boy. If someone just came along and removed all the merchandise I had put into my cart, and then told me I was banished to the paper towel/toilet paper aisle, I would be pretty peeved too.

Onto better things. Forecast is sunny, and slightly warmer, and I have a train birthday cake to make.


Clare said...

I'm sorry that you have to deal with snow, but it really gives me satisfaction to know that Utah has had such a cold & poopy fall/winter/spring and Wisconsin's has been so super fabulous! It was a shorts weekend here.

The redhead said...

Clare- You are simply awful! :)

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