Never fear, my friends. I shall be back to a more blogger type state of mind just as soon as I get this sand out of my ear canal, and other various places.
It's a love/hate relationship I have with that sand you know?
Not shaved ice though. No. It's all love for that stuff.

Hugs and buttsmacks!
Love, Me
Love sand - just not on ME :O)
A xx
Why don't I live by a beach?
a beach, a beach would be good right now.
I love a good shaved ice. Not to be found here in New Mexico, sadly.
Kristina- my guess is the danger of pirates. They're real ya know.
Aubry-I hear ya sister friend.
Atomic Mom- really? New Mexico seems like a place that needs good shave ice. I'm seeing a market here for big bucks. You should get on that.
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